I just read Quick Calculus: A Self-Teaching Guide, 2nd Edition by Daniel Kleppner and Norman Ramsey. I found a few errors, but couldn’t find an errata listing online, so I’m documenting them here for future reference.
Page 107, Frame 206. The quotient rule as it’s initially expressed is incorrect. The correct version is stated at the bottom of the page and also on page 102, Frame 194.
Page 173, Frame 330. None of the options listed are correct. The correct answer is 15
Page 187, Frame 355. The initial expression of Simpson’s rule is confusing. It should be:
∫AB y dx = 2/6 Δ (y0 + 4y1 + y2 + y2 + 4y3 + y4 + … + yN-2 + 4yN-1 + yN)
Errors in technical books annoy me because I spend way too much time trying to figure out why I’m mixed up. Not having a published errata online annoys me even more. See Mark’s book for an errata page done right.
All ranting aside, Quick Calculus is an ideal resource if you’re looking to brush up on the basics of Calculus. It’s short and interactive, yet it doesn’t sugarcoat the material.
Comments from old site
Thanks, I was thinking about getting Quick Calculus one of these days
I read Pratical Algebra, another in this series. I am currently not reading Geomery and Trigonomtry for Calculus, also in the series. I really wish I had paid more attenion back when I took all these math courses. That said, if you need to relearn math, those books work well. I suspect the bits of Calculus I learned are still in my brain somewhere, and just need to be put back together.
Dave Bauer 2003-12-10 22:35:20