Vinod Kurup

Hospitalist/programmer in search of the meaning of life

Nov 12, 2011 - 4 minute read - Comments - clojure programming android

ClojureScript and PhoneGap

Phonegap is a tool that allows you to develop apps in HTML5 + javascript and makes it easy to deploy them to multiple mobile platforms, including Android and iOS.

ClojureScript is a dialect of the awesome language, Clojure, that compiles to Javascript (after a pass through the Google Closure optimizer). Because Clojure, ClojureScript and Google Closure can be confusing terms, I’ll use CLJS instead of ClojureScript for the remainder of this post.

What I wanted to do: Write a simple CLJS app that runs on my Android phone using these tools.

Get HelloWorld working with PhoneGap

Following these instructions will get the Android SDK, Eclipse plugin and PhoneGap working. If you already have the Android SDK, you’ll be able to skip most of it. I’m most comfortable in Emacs, so I’ll be using that instead of Eclipse. Here is the command-line command for creating your project (the -t refers to your android target which you can find by doing android list avds):

$ android create project -n HelloPhoneGap -t 2 -p HelloPhoneGap -k com.phonegap.helloworld -a App

By the end of these instructions, you should have a copy of an app called HelloPhoneGap on your phone which, when clicked, shows a ‘Hello World’ screen.

Setup CLJS

Follow the simple instructions, recreated here because they’re just so simple.

$ git clone git://
$ cd clojurescript
$ ./script/bootstrap

That’s it. The CLJS compiler and REPL are ready to work.

Get HelloWorld working via HTML

Follow the instructions under the heading Using ClojureScript on a Web Page to build a Javascript file and associated HTML file for testing.

Put CLJS and PhoneGap together

OK, let’s make something a little interactive on the phone. I’m going to build a BMI calculator that takes a person’s height and weight in Imperial (i.e. American) units and calculates a Body Mass Index. BMI is simply weight divided by the square of height, with units of kg/m2.

Here’s the CLJS file:

    (ns bmi)
    (defn height [feet inches]
      (-> feet (* 12) (+ inches) (* 2.54) (/ 100)))
    (defn weight [lbs]
      (/ lbs 2.2))
    (defn bmi [h w]
      (js/Math.round (/ w (* h h))))
    (defn ^:export alertDismissed []
    (defn ^:export displaybmi [form]
      (let [h (height (js/parseInt form.f.value) (js/parseInt form.i.value))
            w (weight (js/parseInt form.l.value))]
        (js/navigator.notification.alert (bmi h w) hello.alertDismissed)))

Basically, we create simple functions to convert Imperial heights and weights to metric values, calculate a BMI and then use displaybmi to parse form parameters, calculate the BMI and show that result in an Android notification popup. alertDismissed is a callback that gets called when the user dismisses the notification. (I’m just discarding the information here). Those are the only 2 functions that are needed by the HTML file, so those are the only 2 that need the :export metadata tag. navigator.notification.alert is a PhoneGap API call that does the actual notification.

The calls prefixed by js/ are understood by the CLJS compiler to refer to the global JavaScript namespace. If you didn’t include that prefix, the compiler would assume you meant a call in the local bmi namespace, which would obviously fail.

Here’s the HTML file (in HelloPhoneGap/assets/www/):

    <title>BMI calculator</title>
    <script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8" src="phonegap-1.0.0.js"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8" src="bmi.js"></script>
    <h1>BMI calculator</h1>

      Height: <input name="f" size="2"> ft. <input name="i" size="2"> in. <br>
      Weight: <input name="l" size="2"> lbs.<br>
      <input type="button" value="Calculate BMI" onclick="bmi.displaybmi(this.form)">

Now compile the CLJS and move the compiled JS file to HelloPhoneGap/assets/www/

$ ./bin/cljsc bmi.cljs '{:optimizations :simple :pretty-print true}' > bmi.js
$ cp bmi.js ~/dev/HelloPhoneGap/assets/www/

The :simple value for optimizations and the true value for pretty-print make it so that we can read the resulting JS file, but can be changed to :advanced and false respectively when ready for production.

Now, go back into the HelloPhoneGap Android project and compile it and send it to the emulator (C-c C-c i in emacs). You should now have a simple BMI calculator working on Android.

BMI Android Screenshot BMI Android Screenshot

Next steps

The promise of PhoneGap is that you could use similar HTML/Javascript to create iOS versions as well, but I haven’t done that yet. There are tons of API calls available on both platforms which are supposed to give you the same access that native apps have. Using ClojureScript means you get to use a modern functional language to create your app, while getting access to the features that only JavaScript APIs provide.

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