Vinod Kurup

Hospitalist/programmer in search of the meaning of life

Sep 16, 2003 - 1 minute read - Comments - openacs programming

OpenACS everywhere

Forget MTV. I want my OpenACS! So, I finally got around to install OpenACS on my Powerbook. Mostly, I just followed MarkD’s excellent directions, but I used tDom and AOLserver 4, so there were a few differences.

OpenACS Screenshot

Comments from old site


Vinod...what is the excitment about OpenACS? I went to the website, but couldn't get a clear idea of what it's differentiating features are. Are you running OpenACS for this website?

Bhavesh Patel 2003-09-27 11:08:01

Sep 14, 2003 - 3 minute read - Comments - mac-os-x openacs programming

Another Mac OS X OpenACS Installation Guide

Another Mac OS X OpenACS Installation Guide

by Vinod Kurup

I installed OpenACS 5.0 on my PowerBook G4. Everyone should read MarkD’s guide since it’s more comprehensive and explains a lot of the changes that I don’t explain. I used some different software versions which made my experience different enough to document.

This is a quick and dirty document for people who have installed OpenACS 4. If I haven’t been clear enough or if I’ve made mistakes, please let me know.

Apparently, these instructions may also help you install OpenACS on FreeBSD

Software Versions

All of the AOLserver modules were obtained from CVS (2003-09-14).

Install Postgresql

  1. ./configure - fails on readline not being installed

  2. Install readline:

     $ fink install readline
  3. Configure

     $ ./configure --with-includes=/sw/include --with-libs=/sw/lib
  4. Compile

     $ make
     $ sudo make install
  5. Create the database directory and give yourself permission over it.

     $ sudo mkdir /usr/local/pgsql/data
     $ sudo chown vinod.staff /usr/local/pgsql/data
  6. change $PATH. Add /usr/local/pgsql/bin to the PATH variable in your ~/.profile

  7. I tried doing an initdb next and it worked, but then I got the following error when starting PG.

     FATAL:  invalid value for option 'LC_TIME': 'en_US'
  8. I found Tom Lane’s answer:

     $ /usr/local/pgsql/bin/initdb -D /usr/local/pgsql/data --no-locale
  9. Start it.

     $ pg_ctl -D /usr/local/pgsql/data -l /usr/local/pgsql/server.log start
     $ createlang plpgsql template1
     $ createdb openacs
     $ createuser openacs
     (Answer 'Y' twice)

Install AOLserver

I’m going to use AOLserver 4. Previous versions of AOLserver came bundled with a customized version of TCL, but AOLserver 4 can use the standard TCL releases, as long as TCL was built with thread support. Mac OS X 10.2 comes with TCL 8.3.x, but without thread support. Fink currently has TCL 8.4.1, but also without thread support. So, the right solution is to download TCL and build it manually. But I had already downloaded Fink’s version, so I just manually edited the .info file that specifies how to build TCL and added --enable-threads. Of course, when the next version of TCL gets uploaded to the Fink repository, I’ll be screwed, but I’m too lazy to compile TCL again right now.

  1. Configure and Compile AOLserver

     /usr/local/src/aolserver/aolserver$ ./configure --with-tcl=/sw/lib
     /usr/local/src/aolserver/aolserver$ sudo make install
  2. Install nscache and nsrewrite

     /usr/local/src/aolserver/nscache$ sudo make install
     /usr/local/src/aolserver/nsrewrite$ sudo make install
  3. nssha1 doesn’t compile without editing nssha1.c. Comment out the following 2 lines (lines 139-140):

     // typedef unsigned int u_int32_t;
     // typedef unsigned char u_int8_t;
  4. Compile nssha1

     /usr/local/src/aolserver/nssha1$ sudo make install
  5. nspostgres doesn’t link outta the box. Add -lnsdb to the MODLIBS var in the Makefile:

     MODLIBS   = -L$(PGLIB) -lpq <b>-lnsdb</b>
  6. Compile nspostgres

     /usr/local/src/aolserver/nspostgres$ sudo make install POSTGRES=/usr/local/pgsql ACS=1 

Install tDom 0.78

  1. Edit /usr/local/src/tDOM-0.7.8/unix/CONFIG

  2. Uncomment the instructions meant for AOLserver 4, but edit it to look like this:

     ../configure --enable-threads --disable-tdomalloc \
       --prefix=/usr/local/aolserver --with-tcl=/sw/lib
  3. OpenACS 5 will notice that you’re using AOLserver 4 and will automatically call ‘package require tdom’. You shouldn’t have to do anything special to get tDOM working with OpenACS 5.

Get ready to start

  1. Get OpenACS CVS.

  2. Edit config.tcl (a.k.a. nsd.tcl).

    1. Change server to openacs.

    2. Set serverroot to wherever you put your OpenACS CVS

    3. The config.tcl file that comes with OpenACS 5 will properly load (and ignore if you’re using AOLserver 4.

    4. Change the stacksize to 2048000. If the number you choose is not divisible by 4096, then you get:

        \[15/Sep/2003:19:08:02\]\[1997.2684358124\]\[-main-\] Notice: PostgreSQL loaded.
        nsthreads: pthread_attr_setstacksize failed in NsCreateThread: Invalid argument
        Abort trap
  3. Set some permissions:

     chmod 755 /usr/local/aolserver/log
  4. Start it!

     $ /usr/local/aolserver/bin/nsd -ft /web/openacs/etc/config.tcl


  • 2004-01-23 - Pointed to Andrei’s FreeBSD document. Simplified instructions which are automatically taken care of by OpenACS 5
  • 2004-01-05 - Added fixes from Jeff Davis.
  • 2003-09-14 - Initial Revision

Sep 11, 2003 - 1 minute read - Comments - free-software


Open Letter to SCO.

Loud Applause

Comments from old site

The Nigerian SCO Connection

There is a great parody of the nigerian scam spam letter crossed over with SCO over at here(ArsTechnica).

I am very annoyed with these "johnny come lately" types who are trying to claim stake to internet technologies *after* they are already mature. It's like the company that tried to lay claim to hyperlinks, even though xerox showed the technology back in the 60s, or the recent claim by another company that claims it owns the technology for embedding things like Flash, movies, etc as part of the web browser. Where were these claims when the technologies were developing???

Bhavesh Patel 2003-09-27 11:35:44

Sep 7, 2003 - 1 minute read - Comments - running

A little pain never hurt anybody


I can barely believe it myself, but I ran 20 miles this morning in Central Park. The New York Road Runners Club organized a long run for people training for fall marathons. The longest I had run before was about 17 miles for my Chicago Marathon training, but I remember that “run” being mostly walking in the second half.

Today went much better. I started with the 10:30 pace group and stayed with them. We ran 4 loops around Central Park - the 6 mile loop, the 5 mile upper loop, the 5 mile lower loop and then the 4 mile middle loop. The first 3 loops went smoothly, but I started to die around mile 17 or so. I was able to keep my pace around 10:40 for the last 4 miles, but it seemed much slower. Of course, doing anything more strenuous than thinking is painful right now, but it’s a good pain.

The pic to the right is from the Run to Liberty 10K that I ran last week. I ran it as a training run and finished in 1:00:46.

Aug 28, 2003 - 1 minute read - Comments - running

Getting faster...

I got home as it was getting dark, so I ran at the gym, on the treadmill. I usually hate running indoors, but running on the treadmill has one huge positive point. You don’t have to pay attention where you’re going. I got myself into a groove and before I knew it, I was done with my 5 miles in about 47 minutes. Much faster than I was just a few months ago!

Aug 20, 2003 - 2 minute read - Comments - virus

New virus?

I’ve been getting weird emails over the past day or so. The From: address is always different, there is no body text and there is an attachment called your_document.pif. The From: address is sometimes recognizable, but seems to be spoofed.

Google only gave me 1 document for “your_document.pif” and that document states that this is a new virus called W32/Sobig.F-mm (link changed due to 404). Not much info about it yet, but it seems pretty widespread.

Update: Wow, google only had 1 document for the above search when I wrote this a few hours ago and now it has 391! Looks like this virus is just taking off. Fastest. Virus. Ever.

Comments from old site


According to an article in today's paper (Milwaukee Journal Sentinel 8/21/03) This was called the fastest growing virus ever by MessageLabs Inc. It halted CSX Transportation trains in Washington DC and infected more than 2000 computers at the University of Wisconsin Madison. It infects PC's running Microsoft Windows, and turns PCs into relayers of spam e-mail clogging computer servers on the internet and crashing networks. The subject line could say "Details", Thank You", or "Wicked screensaver". The virus doesn't appear to be destroying data or causing other lasting damage to the machines or networks it has infected. You just have to face the daunting task of deleting a ton of virus e-mails.

Andy Drout 2003-08-21 15:56:28