Not all of OpenACS is Postgres 7.3 compliant yet. OpenACS 5 is compliant and the core packages in OpenACS 4.6 are compliant, but some non-core packages haven’t been fixed yet. Noncompliant packages will complain:
[24/Jun/2003:15:21:36][26623.196621][-conn:kurup::4] Error: Ns_PgExec: result status: 7 message: ERROR: Function pa_collection__new("unknown", "unknown", "unknown", timestamp with time zone, "unknown", "unknown", "unknown") does not exist
Unable to identify a function that satisfies the given argument types
You may need to add explicit typecasts
It is looking for a function with timestamp with time zone
as one of its parameters, but most OpenACS pl/pgsql functions were defined as accepting timestamp
. In PG 7.3, timestamp
means ‘timestamp without timezone’. timestamptz
means ‘timestamp with timezone’. So, the quick fix, is to change timestamp
to timestamptz
Read more at Bart’s posts in this thread.